Name five really good things. Right now.
~ The soft cloudy morning
~ The taste of fresh coffee
~ The feel of the lap blanket over my legs as I sit here
~ Reading a mindless cheesy Nelson DeMille novel
~ Hot toast with honey
Okay. Go ahead! Think of five good things off the top of your head and post them or leave a comment.
Shamelessly snarfed from Kelly's blog.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Five really good things.....
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9:26 AM
Labels: five good things
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Finding a new post on Chani's blog.
Having a warm fat cat in my lap.
Feeling love and support from people I've never met.
Watching flames jump behind the glass pane of my fireplace.
The slow pace of Saturdays.
Feeling relaxed and comfy as I settle in to watch a movie I loved and haven't seen in years--Wit, with Emma Thompson.
The awareness it is Saturday and no patients.
Having heat again after days without it. (Thank you furnace repair man!)
Knowing I'll be with John again this time next week.
A contented tummy after indulging in a steaming bowl of three mushroom bisque (with Oyster crackers, of course!)
(smiling) Thank you, Chani.
Having nothing pressing to do today;
How quiet and peaceful the house is with two of my boyz gone for the afternoon;
Knowing that there's lots more coffee still to drink;
Being warm and cozy against the brisk, windy day;
Making seashell mobiles.
having J give me two extra hours of sleep.
M running wild through the house in utter joy with a friend
the prospect of going to a movie tonight
sweet coffee
potato burritos sizzling on the stove
The morning to myself;
steel cut oatmeal with brown sugar and moreno cherries;
A tiffany lamp;
A new issue of the New Yorker;
A full night's rest
Finding two hours between events.
The fish I had for lunch.
Patience stopping every ball when playing goalie.
Rain holding off for festival (being optimistic).
Persistence singing out Ring Around the Rosie while on my husband's shoulders.
Using My Words
1. coffee in my favorite mug with lots of cream
2. beautiful plants everywhere I look
3. Flip reading the paper with Truffle purring in his lap
4. gentle rain falling in the garden
5. Jackson Browne singing to me
waking up
smelling laundry fresh from the dryer
being sore from working out
fresh apples
watching everyday italian
- Weekend
- Being alone tonight
- Hot shower
- A few cookies
- Looking forward to my bed
- a cool breeze
-fall leaves
-my neighborhood
-the absence of a cold
-getting ready to go on stage!
discovering this blog
petting my purring cat
relaxing with my spouse
choosing a movie to watch
nibbling on spinach pie
-Watching the sunset out the window of my little house (to me, being home at sunset is so cozy)
-A quick and interesting freelance gig today
-The laundry almost done
-My dear dog asleep on the couch
-A walk in our near future
My cat curled up next to me sleeping.
My daughter humming from across the house.
Beautiful clouds outside.
My husband is off doing the grocery shopping.
Great leftovers in the fridge.
So with you on the coffee.
Hmm only 5 things? Well ok. Right now:
1. Wearing my new cotton pajamas.
2. A fire in the fireplace.
3. My sleeping dog on a cushion next to said fire place.
4. A book on the table next to the couch for me to finish later.
Hope you're having a good weekend Chani.
slogging it out through 2 hours of yoga.
indian food with friends
lovely scent to spray on
a rich glass of cabernet
a shot of espresso poured over ice cream!
My five:
* A good thrift store shopping day
* Learning that my kids have real personalities that I had nothing to do with...
* A cold glass of white wine
* 15 minutes until bedtime and I can curl up with a bowl of home made popcorn and my honey to watch a movie...
* Just 3 weeks until I see my parents again
Five great things:
1. Looking forward to coffee on a Sunday morning
2. A new shampoo
3. The smell of my daughter's hair in the morning
4. Really good chocolate and a glass of red wine
5. Fresh flannel sheets
A hot bath on a cold night with a fragrant candle burning.
Ice cold sheets on the bed and a warm blanket.
A hug.
A good book that makes me stay up way too late at night.
Dog kisses.
1. to do lists with lots of done ticks on them.
2. hot coffee with 2 pieces of lindt chocolate.
3. the afternoon sea breeze as I sit here reading blogs, listening to the crazy birds fly around, and being distracted by the pretty purple flowers on my Geisha plant.
4. rediscovering computer games I love and finding some spare time tp play them
5. knowing we're having honey and mustard chicken with rice for dinner, one of my favourites partly because it is so easy.
1. Fassbender & Rausch dark chocolate...straight from Berlin
2. Feather duvet, pillows and being able to sleep in
3. Waves lapping up against the shore
4. Conversation with the one I love
5. Lunch with mom
Your blog.
Watching Laura bake cookies for the very first time...all on her own...while her family crowded around her, stealing hot ones from the oven.
Sunday and everyone is asleep.
My kitchen flooded with sun.
My many good friends who love me as I am.
- being able to quietly read this blog this morning, while the world is still asleep,
- with a hot, delicious cup of tea and toast,
- in my pajamas,
- with all my animals fed and contented greeting the new day: the pups outside romping in the leaves and chasing a multitude of squirrels and things, the cats inside running after each other, playing, happy that I am finally up,
- and, above all, the silence...always, the delicious silence.
thank you chani for coming to visit my blog and leaving a comment. without it, i would have missed reading the poetry of your life reflected in your words.
The hairs on my child's upper lip
The new baby I held today
The joy my children get from the movie they are currently watching
My warm radiators
The deer in my backyard
The warmth of the pellet stove
The clean, new look of freshly painted walls in the kitchen
Finishing the movie Volver finally
A glass of Pinot Grigio for lunch
Watching football.
Eating CAKE.
Being introduced to so many new and interesting blogs.
Making the bed with flannel sheets fresh from the dryer.
Ordering pizza for dinner.
I'ts Monday here so I will start my week with my 5 good things...
*waking up so early today and being able to enjoy the sunrise
*with a cup of espresso...
*playing with my 2 month old nephew
*reading blogs while eating my favorite veggie salad
*going to work later knowing that i will finally be talking to Ace again (after 3 long weeks!)
oh...thanks for playing and visiting my blog. i love new pals.
i also love coffee, especially on a cool afternoon....i sit with a blanket on me always and hot toast with honey was a specialty of my grandma melba's. thank you for that memory today.
-Molly warming my feet after filling my lap with toys, patiently waiting for me to get up from this computer and play with her outside
-Winter Blend coffee with half & half in my favorite "butterfly quote" mug
-a leisurely day ahead with time to do whatever I choose
-munching sliced banana and fresh strawberries in my favorite Newman's Own Blueberry Pecan cereal with milk in my blue plaid ice cream bowl from Bloomies
-the lovely picture in Chani's post reminding me of vacations past
1)Waking up on a Monday and being able to go back to sleep, because there is NO SCHOOL!
2)Having the kids come home, after a weekend away
3)Snuggling under the covers when its cold
4)Snuggling with my favorite cat under the covers, when its cold.
5)The colors of Fall, not that it is finally here!
Good post! Always a great balancing tool, to consider the good things we DO have in our lives - thanks!
Wonderful idea and a lovely list of really good things. I definitely stole it and have published my five on my blog. :)
Thanks for continuing to inspire me. This is my first comment to you, but it is most certainly not my first visit to your wonderful blog. On scattered days, your words center me. Thank you for that. And keep up the wonderful writing! :)
fleece sweater
peppermint tea
my kids
flannel sheets.
taking my daughter out to lunch
painting Christmas ornaments together
uploading my digital photos for development - finally
soup for dinner - hot and easy
a call from Tony - he'll only be 15 mins late.
- coffee
- long hot showers
- good book
- sleep
- cakes
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