Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Wellness Wednesday

Just recently I had to make some changes to help get rid of some more blubber.

It's the hardest one yet! Usually, I drink two Diet Cokes each day. One in the morning and one in the afternoon. Since I have some issues with chronic fatigue, the caffeine helps. (My body won't tolerate caffeine in coffee.)

Losing the sodium has been very good for my weight loss program. Along with that, I'm doing a set of exercises each morning.

But this isn't a weight loss report (but can I slip in that I'm ready for another change in size? Thank goodness for Thai wrap skirts!) . Reading about someone else's weight loss is about as interesting as watching paint dry. I know that.

This is about aging and the changes we experience. The energy just isn't there anymore. Since I have stopped the soda, I am SO TIRED that I could probably sleep all day, only getting up to eat, take a shower and go potty. Sitting like a blob watching Court TV all day is not how I imagined spending my golden years.

This is grim! I miss my soda infusion. Wellness. Meh!

Getting old ain't for sissies!



Leann said...

Giving up caffeine is no easy task. I gave it up several years ago and my body has thanked me every day since. It made my body joints, you get the picture.

Baby steps.....congratulations!!

S said...

i'm glad you slipped that tidbit in... congratulations!

Anonymous said...

The empathy I feel for you is profound.Could have written this myself.

Jen said...

Can you sub in exercise during the times you used to drink DC? I know sometimes that helps me. And remember - I'm probably close to your age and have a ton to lose, so I'm not saying this as someone who's Ms. Exercise Chick.

Brava for all you're doing for your health! And I do NOT find it like watching paint dry - it's inspirational to me.

So there.

painted maypole said...

i go on and off soda all the time. i'm "on" right now. trying to cut my diet back considerably, and considering diet soda my "treat" maybe when i start to plateau I should cut the soda, too, but I do worry about my energy if I do that!

Anvilcloud said...

Wouldn't drinking the Coke and going for a walk be just as good as if not better than not drinking it and sitting on the sofa?

You see, I'm an addict, and I hate to see someone else on the wagon. :)

LittlePea said...

Oh! I had to detox(yes it was a detox and it certainly felt that way) off caffiene last year and it felt so awful, I'll never get back into that habit. I was tired for about a week. But it was the headaches and the body aches that were the worst of it. You should feel better soon.

heartinsanfrancisco said...

For many years, I avoided caffeine because of its link to breast cancer and an unfortunate family history. But a couple of years ago, I began to drink coffee and discovered that I really like the taste as well as the ritual of drinking it with someone. If I lived alone, I probably wouldn't drink it often, though.

I rationalize this because I do not smoke, drink, or do drugs, and I am entitled to one vice. It is also credited with helping Alzheimer's, and that pretty much trumps everything at this point.

Good luck and continued success with your health program!

Anonymous said...

What about iced tea?

Ruth Hull Chatlien said...

I've tried to give up caffeine several times and I always go back to it. I try to keep it to a minimum, but I can't seem to kick the habit.

hele said...

i also had to give up coffee. it makes me irritable and aggressive. eventually Flo was hiding the coffee away from me :)

have you tried any of the other cafeines such as green tea, yerba mate or Guarana?

Stacia said...

I don't like coffee, but I love tea. Tea also has MANY health benefits. I buy my tea on-line and make it myself. Let me know if you want the link.

blooming desertpea said...

I'm not sure how or if I would be able to cope without my daily dose of caffeine ...

Isn't there any other way?

Mariposa said...

You seem to be doing great Chani! Congrats...

As for me...ha, life begins after coffee...and I love Coke. (Recently, they have this Coke Zero...something better than Diet Coke they say...not sure if it's true though.