Saturday, February 06, 2010

Simple Pleasures....

Chris at Enchanted Oak has offered to give $2.00 to Haiti Relief for each person who is willing to post some simple pleasures. If you are interested in participating in this challenge, share some simple pleasures on your blog this weekend, link to Chris's blog.

Given my status lately, it's a good reminder to sit and think of a few things that make me happy, simple things that restore and refresh me.

Here are a few:

1. Going to my favorite consignment shop ~ Renaissance ~ and spending a few dollars on definitely unneeded but fun clothes.

2. A quiet cup of coffee at Starbucks in the morning after a walk, especially in the fog.

3. Good food! Weight Watchers or not, I still love to chow down.

4. A good book! A book that takes me to another world, another place, getting to know people I'd never know otherwise.

5. Getting my hair done at Bravissimo. It's definitely a little pricey but always makes me feel good.

6. Rings. I love rings and have dozens.

7. Rose gardens, creating or looking

8. A cup of something hot in the evenings, reading in my recliner with some soft music in the background.

9. The guilty pleasure of listening to Pink in the car, maybe just a bit too loud, which definitely makes me a Stupid Girl.

10. Certain ringtones on my phone - because it means a friend is calling.



Enchanted Oak said...

Thank you, dear one, for taking the time out of your topsy-turvy life (I read your earlier post) to think of things for which you are grateful. It is the best medicine I know. I also love rose gardens, good books, and Starbucks. I love Thai food! Thank you, God, for good things that help balance the bad. May He bless you and your housemate.
Chris from Enchanted Oak.

Brian Miller said...

coffee and are my kind of person. smiles. great list!

Leann said...

Many of yours are mine also :-)

Unknown said...

I love rose gardens and rings too!
Love your exotic list.
Are you from Thailand?
I am from Malaysia and hubby is from Singapore.

Unknown said...

This is a great list! I love the books, food, getting my hair done...ahhhh the sweet simple pleasures of life.

heartinsanfrancisco said...

Nice list! The picture at the top of your post reminded me of one of my most favorite simple pleasures, potting plants. Plus my morning coffee, listening to baroque music in my car to calm my savage breast, clean sheets, the smells of cinnamon, vanilla, and horses, driving on the open road to no place in particular, farm stands and farmer's markets, a hot shower, a walk by the ocean, fog, and a blue sky full of cumulus clouds, finding the precise word I need, a friendly smiling dog, and random acts of kindness.

Chris is doing a beautiful thing which also gives me pleasure although I am not posting right now.

Ruth Hull Chatlien said...

I enjoyed reading your list. I admit to sharing #9

secret agent woman said...

I did this one some time ago - it's a good exercise to list things that bring you pleasure, I think. And I posted yesterday on the joys of listening to music cranked up in the car'

Teaching English in Thailand said...

Great list! Your list helped me to grasp some new activities to practice during my leisure time. Thank a lot for taking the time to compile and share this magnificent list of activities.

Monnaie Ernakulam said...

Nice interior designing and interior decoration!