Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Blog Blast for Peace: If not now, when?

When we talk about peace, it is easy to wax poetic about creating a peaceful planet where we all live together in harmony. We can talk endlessly about the ideals. We can talk endlessly about Buddha and Christ, Mohammed and Maimonedes and their visions for a peaceful future. We can talk all we want about how we want peace.

Peace isn't theoretical. Peace isn't a roundtable topic. It's a choice. It's a way of life.

There are times when it is appropriate to point the fingers where they belong and identify it with clarity. I'm a believer in the old axiom "sunshine is the best disinfectant."

So, let's lay it out:

When business interests, corporate profit and money matters more than human beings, we will have war.

When it is more important that you get to choose red shoes over blue shoes while others in the world starve, we will have war.

When it is more important that you can choose those shoes than the exploitation of labor in third world countries, we will have war.

When belief in national superiority becomes more important than our common humanity, we will have war.

When geopolitical advantage is more important than feeding the children, we will have war.

When individual market freedom means more than community, we will have war.

When men matter more than women, we will have war.

When you believe that you can be free when others are not, we will have war.

When poverty is viewed as a character issue rather than a social failure, we will have war.

When I believe I matter more than you, I will wage war.

When you believe you are more important than me, you will wage war.

Be the peace you want to see in the world.

That is the only answer.


S said...

Wonderful manifesto. This is simple, and so right.

S said...

Especially this:

When poverty is viewed as a character issue rather than a social failure, we will have war.


Julie Pippert said...

This is FANTASTIC. I keep thinking of pieces I want to pull out with an "especially this" note, but then it ends up being the entire list.

I'm going to go with the shoes one, because it's such an awesome metaphor.


I don't think people will ever live in total harmony. I don't even think that's a great goal, anyway. I like diversity and difference will invariably rub along into some amount of friction.

It's the outcome of that we need to work out because that doesn't preclude living in respect and peace.

Agree to disagree, peacefully. Agree to respect, peacefully.

Never mind my words, here:

"Peace can only last where human rights are respected, where people are fed, and where individuals and nations are free."

o The XIVth Dalai Lama

Awesome, Chani.

Using My Words

Anonymous said...

Lovely thoughts, especially this one: When geopolitical advantage is more important than feeding the children, we will have war.

Christine said...

"Be the peace you want to see in the world."

chani, you already live this, i believe.

QT said...

This really covers all the bases, and I have to agree with julie - it is ok to have a differing opinion, but can't we treat each other respectfully?

heartinsanfrancisco said...

This is wonderful. We cannot be free when others are not because of the interconnectedness of all things.

Sometimes we set aside that truth because it is inconvenient, when the red shoes and the blue shoes beckon. It is easier to view another's poverty as his own failure than to feel obliged to do something about it.

But if we are to consider ourselves fully human, we need to add a final "e" to that word and to be that at all times, even when it's difficult or painful.

Travis Cody said...


Peace to you and yours on this wonderful Peace Globe Day and always.

molly said...

When I went to church, my favourite hymn was the prayer of St Francis, one of whose lines is "Let peace begin with me. I;m not so good about going to church anymore but i often find myself humming those words.

flutter said...

where debate is an exchange of insults and not ideas, you will have war.

blooming desertpea said...

"Peace" sounds like music, something we all long to have but yet is so difficult to optain because every single one of us has another understanding of the meaning of that beautiful word ...

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

Terrific words...thanks

Searching For A Peaceful World on


Liv said...

being able to lay ourselves aside for others is a challenge, but a noble one.

Jan said...

Yes, yes, yes!!! Truth. Thanks.

crazymumma said...

I try. And sometimes I think I fall short. But I keep trying and talking to my kids about the trying.

Catherine said...

SO well said. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Oh my god, you've positively caught me off guard. This is stellar. I'm speechless. (Not an every day event, mind you.)

It was the shoes. You metaphored me where I live (longstanding shoe freak, hundreds of pairs, go on say it, I don't care, we all have our thangs) and it grabbed me hard. Yowza!

Thank you for this.
A cut and paste to read and re-read, re-mind and remind.

Perfect. Again.

And this from "heartinsanfran":
But if we are to consider ourselves fully human, we need to add a final "e" to that word and to be that at all times, even when it's difficult or painful.

Powerful mojo.


Unknown said...

"We look for the day when sharing by all will mean scarcity for none."

storyteller said...

As with others who have responded already, your manifesto takes my breath away and gives me goosebumps! Thank you for sharing (and for stopping by my site and leaving a comment so I could FIND you, kindred spirit).

Like Molly, I hear myself humming songs from my past frequently and am amazed at how (when I notice and think of the words) they're exactly the reminders I need to make more peace filled, loving choices all the time.

Flutter's addition to your piece resonates with my soul. When did speaking and listening to one another become obsolete?

I intend to reference this post on my Blogs so others will discover your much needed "voice" ...

"To think creatively, we must be able to look afresh at what we normally take for granted."
~George Kneller

You're helping others do just that. Thank you very much. I'll return soon discover more.
Hugs and blessings

Rebecca said...

Amen and Amen. Wonderful post, Chani. I found you through Soaring Free Souls and am so happy I did!

I have this post on my "Shared" Items.

Blessed be!

Angela said...

Wow. Amen, sistah!

Akelamalu said...

Lovely post, peace to you.

Girlplustwo said...

When poverty is viewed as a character issue rather than a social failure, we will have war.

Amen, sister.

It should be this simple.

Anonymous said...

Be the peace... YES!! I try so hard and somedays I am just a warmonger. I hate those days. Usually those are the days when I am at war with myself or cleaning supplies, but still, I'm not always winning the peace war.

LittlePea said...

So true. Amen.

mitzh said...

Well said, Chani. Very well said.

Mariposa said...

Nice nicely said...makes me think...I would love to echo your thoughts...and of course, be the peace I want the world to be...

BOSLady said...

hen what I believe is more true that what you believe, then we will have war.
Thank you for the words, the thoughts.

Tabba said...

on point, Chani.

you are writing from such a lovely, clear place.

we need more Chani's in this world.

x said...

This is so beautiful and profoundly true. I just found your blog and added it to my links. I feel lucky to have discovered this treasure.

Anonymous said...

Oh, Chani. Part of me believes that. And part of me believes it is just human nature for the powerful to take as much as they can. Look at what has been going on with three year olds in my life...

My bigger question throughout my life is "How can I change things?" I can do little things, but I feel ridiculously powerless.

Mimi Lenox said...

Beautiful post.
I am overwhelmed by the thoughtful prose this project is producing from bloggers across the world.

Thank you for participating in BlogBlast For Peace. We can make a difference. You already have.

Peace to you and yours.

Jeff B said...

There are some amazing peace posts out there, yours is no exception. Very nicely written.

rebecca said...

"Peace isn't theoretical. Peace isn't a roundtable topic. It's a choice. It's a way of life."


Anonymous said...

nice piece of writing!
i'll put them in my facebook notes, okay? i will include the link to this blog article :)


Annelisa said...

Beautiful post - thoughtful and true!

Peace to you, Thailand Gal!

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